Complete your order

Step 1

Step 2

Confirm your order details

Once you’ve confirmed your order details and made payment our team will be in touch to finalise the design aspects of your calendar. Then, we’ll get to work creafting your stand-out custom calendar.
A4 Traditional Stapled Booklet

Order Size : 500 Calendars

Design : I will supply my own images

Addons : Captions | Moon phases | Mini months

Packaging : Shrinkwrap your calendars

User Details

Name : Steve Smith

Email :

Phone : +0123 456 7890

Street : 71 Wigley Street

State : South Australia

Postcode : 5048

Next Step

Confirm your order details

Once you’ve confirmed your order details and made payment our team will be in touch to finalise the design aspects of your calendar. Then, we’ll get to work creating your stand-out custom calendar.
Order Details

Calendar Type :

Order Size : Calendars

Design :

Addons :

Packaging :

Customer Details

Name :

Email :

Phone :

Address :

City :

State :

Postcode :

Order Total : $ Incl GST

Next Step

Make Payment

Your payment is secured by Stripe. No credit card details are held on file by CalendarPrint. On processing of your payment you will receive your receipt via email. Please ensure you have entered the correct email address for delivery. For any customer service enquiries, please contact us via or call 1300 030 726.
